National Geographic sends me all these cool photos because I'm cool like that. Subscribe to their newsletters and you may become cool too.
I'm gonna see this one day in real life (aka it's in NC, shh!).
So last night I sent a text to someone I thought was a friend.
they replied with "You flatter yourself on both counts".
Fuck I was pissed.
I sent them the message with high hopes of them understanding what I meant.
I wanted to retaliate with a FUCK YOU but instead fueled the anger into the portrait illustration I was working on in class that evening, letting my mind simmer down a bit and think out the fabulous sentence structure of how I would reply.
They didn't respond after I replied to their remark.
To state bluntly, I pointed out their stupidity in interpreting the message as self-flattery and apologized for holding high regards of their intelligence because clearly they don't have much.
My mistake.
BUUUTTT, this mistake also slapped me in the face, saying WAKE THE F- UP! Get that shit out of your closet and mail it to that photographer!
Marathon training has been awesome!
I ran a total of a little over 17 miles last week.
That is such an accomplishment for me in itself as I have never run that much before in one week.
I did a six miler along the canal from The Biltmore golf course to 44th St and back.
I forgot the knee brace I use for my right kneecap and was a little worried about how I would perform, but the run was so comfortable (great early morning weather helps!) I think I stopped 2-3 times very briefly to help walk out my calves because I still had a bit soreness in the from my weeks' runs. I'm really excited to run again tonight since yesterday was a rest day.
Sunday was cross-training day and the training guide recommends NOT doing anything that would require calve work which I now understand why because I decided to get my weekend hike in which resulted in my calves feeling like they were going to explode with every step of the hike I took.
But the + side is that my legs are feeling sexy awesome!
Tonight will be a 3 miler, tomorrow 4, and then Thursday another 3.
Saturday will be 7 miles this week, which really shouldn't feel much more longer than the 6 I did this past Saturday, which I think I ran in 1:05:00 roughly.
If only the stupid Nike+iPod track system would work that I dropped thirty bucks on..
But I am loving my shoes more with every run I do!
I am going to treat myself 3 weeks prior to race day with brand new ones in the red design that I originally wanted.
So excited for this race!!
Thursday I ran 3.49 miles, Mon 4.03, and Tuesday of last week 3.54 miles.
And ok, I just mapped my run using for my 6 miler and it was really 5.39.
Sad face.
Mapquest sucks at mapping apparently.
Funny conversations I had yesterday over email:
Subject: legs mc gillicutty!
M: MY DIAGNOSIS..................I think leg bruising will eventually lead to neurosis...LOL!!
Blunt trauma
Anticoagulant medications
Venous insufficiency
Bacterial septicaemia (see Blood infection)
Deep vein thrombosis
Spinal fracture
Leg injury
Child abuse
Cushing syndrome
Skin fragility in the elderly
Me: hahaha, this is so wrong to laugh at, but how is it that leukaemia and child abuse are even in the same category?! HAHA
so I tried kicking my guilty habit this weekend but I failed. Saturday night I was biking home from drinks with friends and thought, hm, I'm going to smoke the last half of that one cigarillo I have. Then I was disgusted afterwards and thought This is so gross that I'm smoking. So I tossed them in the trash full of paper in my room, but then thought Wait, I may want those some day..but left them in the trash. So Sunday afternoon i'm like What the hell was I thinking?! That 5 pack was $4! and I go and retrieve them. haha!
Subject: what are you doing
M: for lunch? I dont want to go eat a bunch of food cuz I am trying to detox from the fatty weekend but I wanna get the helly outta the building and walk around :O and maybe smoke some cigarellos :O JK! hahahahahaha! you are funny! I want to go yell at homeless people and throw my egg shells at cars...that is my lunch a hard boiled egg..growse...that truly is the growsest thing anyone could eat....with its little yolk that thinks it is something special cuz its in the middle! Have you heard from tech boy?
Me: It's dollar day at Salvation Army! want to gooo?? and if it sucks we can go grab cHaI'S.
M: Yes....Yes I do!!! so I guess no one likes my laugh...supposedly...thats what the girls said when they got back from lunch.... so stop with the laugh making...You are getting me in trouble. hahaha! There are many things that I would like for a dollar from thrift store.. I need perhaps half a package of lee press on nails or some of that old eye liner that I could use to write on the bathroom of the bar some things about other peoples body parts or a necklace that works better as a choking hazard than jewelry....oh the things I could but serious I live for thrift and I am just being a smart ass cuz I am an ant!
Me: What?! really they told you that?? I love your laugh! it's better than their's! haha, jk (wait, actually I"m not) haha :) UM, I really shouldn't be spending money, but it's a dollar I guess, so hopefully that dollar doesn't add up to fifteen dollars because then I would be a sad girl :( Lee press on nails, haha! I used to use those too and thought I was so cool! (you still feel really cool though with press on nails because you look at the other girls with acrylics and think, haha, my nails wont be all f-d up when these bad boys come off! ) we'll go when ---- comes back from eating her bag of pretzels and racking up a long-distance convo with the hubster.
YEAH! (I picture like those japanese anime girls jumping in the air and shouting that, like sailor moon. I used to love that show! haha, guilty pleasure :)
M: I think that the sign in the bathroom about the mammogram should show the boob getting squished in the machine...for some reason I think that it makes it much more fun! Like woohoo! <--also with a sailor moon jump...haha what is it about japan cartoon much more attractive than others. I think kat had those videos..AWESOME.....I liked power puff girls too cuz they made boys explode by kissing them. I wish I could do that except I'd have to kiss boys first to get them to explode and that is a chore on its own...hahaha!
I know I want a pretzel everytime I walk into the breakroom and I don't even eat pretzels....
Weekend update:
Friday I was delirious at work due to lack of sleep all week and bodily exhaustion from throwing myself into training so as much as I wanted to call friends up to go out and such, I told myself to hit the sack at 7pm, and I slept until 7am Saturday morning. That's when I decided I felt refreshed enough to get up and go hit that 6 miler.
After my run I had some film to develop from the photo shoot I did of my roomie, then come home to quickly eat, shower, get ready, and bike to Postino's down the street for drinks and dinner with friends. In bed by 11pm.
Sunday I got up around 9am and geared up for my hike, then did an hour of weights at the gym, followed by some grocery shopping, eating, then visiting the fam. We decided to take the dogs to the dog park but lo and behold they had just watered the lawn so there were a million freakin' mosquitoes everywhere and I got like a bazillion bites all over my legs now. Sad face.
I picked up some great finds at a yard sale Saturday morning! This great long 4-shelf black wood bookcase for $20, a bag of about 45 silk scarves for $15, some leather belts, a tan men's button-up, and a b&w photo. Yay! :)
*I need to turn this blog into thrift purchases - so much good stuff I have found this year alone! I refuse to shop anywhere else now except thrifts!
Getting super nervous for my little lunch date!