

Done with the class!
Oh, how I procrastinate...
but I am very proud of myself that I killed two classes I needed this summer, seeing as how I got screwed over last semester..
Now I will have more time to dedicate to this blog!
Sunday I met this Lovely:
She was the fresh breeze much needed from the East.
We met at Fair Trade.
And talked and talked.
Life was just spilling out, yet it all felt so normal,
as if we had met before but never have.
I needed her that day.
She had been roaming the streets all day since she had arrived from New York.
The minute I saw her I envied her hiking pack and backpack ~ clearly a traveler.
She is the living being of what my soul desires to do.
How I wish I could have dropped everything and taken up her offer to trip it to L.A.
We talked for a couple hours then I drove her to the show she came to see.
found later in my car:

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