
Out of respect, one should always phone when running late.


Oh How I Wish...

Clothing I am coveting: ~



Budding Ambition Dress $24.99 - ALAS! out of stock


There are too many more to list! How I love ModCloth. I bought Tom this tipi from them.

**Actually, every time I look at this red dress, I always think this is not my style, but more of Melissa's. I covet it for her. ~edited sat 26th
Went hiking with my Italian yesterday. However I was being grouchy and moody, everything seemed to irritate me before and after the hike. I would like to call it post-period depression. I never pms before or during my period, but at least once a month I have this really unusually off day where I am feeling so unhappy and want to quite everything I'm involved in. However you force on through what needs to get done that day, resulting in me feeling happy by the time the day is done.

image from the collection of National Galleries of Scotland

Anyways, on our descent down from the mountain i pass this beautiful couple, the man extending his hand to help the lady, who is pregnant, a good 5-6 months it looks, as she slowly descends the mountain as well. She was gorgeous, glowing, and looking ever so beautiful with a swollen belly. I couldn't help resisting and told her so. Her thank you was so happy. Every time I see pregnant bellies on woman who are at an appropriate age for pregnancy (not a teen-mama supporter), I immediately begin to think of my future pregnancies. Most times it results in feelings of wanting to live in that moment now, in this present. I am so excited for the day when I will have a protruding belly. I know it's not at all as glamorous and sometimes the media, or magazines make it out to be, but I think it is still glamorous in it's own rights of creating a human life with someone you love. To seal a little bit of me, and a little bit of You into one egg and experience it grow, to me seems to be an experience I would have a loss of words for. Not even You will know the deepest secrets only I will experience in my pregnancies. The waking moments of realism as a creation is weaved inside me. Lately I find myself day dreaming of part-Italian children. I think they would look beautiful. How I wish that someday I will have your Italian children. How I wish to tell you this.

Today I dashed home during my lunch to create a soup:
  • rice noodles (pad Thai size), about 1/2 cup vegetable broth, 1 cup mushroom broth, then water to the brim, some carrots, shitake mushrooms, sweet onion, cilantro, collard greens, and pepper, dash of Himalayan salt, and some oregano.
Delicious but bland I say. I will still eat bland, food is more about eating a variety of proper nutrients to me rather than eat to enjoy amazing tastes, although that would be a perk + to healthy foods. By the end of my second bowl, I was starting to scoop up broth in my spoon when I don't know how, but the entire bowl tipped over and landed on my dress and leggings. Luckily the leggings absorbed most of the spill, but how sad! I am so clumsy, I don't know how I do it, but it is quite an embarrassment to be seen spilling things all the time.


the Gemini Woman and Pisces Man

When Pisces and Gemini unite, they can be a very mutually satisfying couple. There are a few things this couple should know in order to be successful in a lasting relationship. The two signs are at right angles in the Zodiac, which means that this can be a challenging match. These challenges can be overcome with patience, and understanding, but you will both need to be committed in order for it to work between you.

Pisces processes things differently than Gemini does. While Gemini, an air sign, is more concerned with matters of the mind; Pisces, a water sign, is more concerned with emotional matters. This can lead to miscommunication between you. A Pisces/Gemini couple needs to understand how their partner communicates in order to have a smooth relationship. Though Pisces likes social settings and conversation, much of the way you see and understand the world is nonverbal. This is a direct reflection of the way Pisces is most comfortable communicating. Gemini needs to understand this, because they are naturally not as receptive to that kind of interaction.

Pisces needs to learn to allow Gemini a moment to gather their thoughts. Once they calm their continuously thinking mind, Gemini can be very insightful. If Pisces can allow them this time, they will see that Gemini is not as shallow as they might at first appear, and this will add fodder to relationship.

This couple can also be very emphatic, which allows this relationship to be as flexible as both signs like. While Pisces sees things in a dreamlike way, Gemini is open-minded. Gemini can bring humor and direction that helps focus dreamy Pisces. This relationship can have a very solid base, as these signs are great friends as well as lovers.

When the man in this relationship is a Pisces and the woman a Gemini, this can be a blissful match. Pisces men a very attractive with their dreamy looks and nature that is so passionate. They are naturally attractive to women, and Gemini is no exception. Be careful that Gemini isn’t too thoughtless, as Pisces feelings are easily hurt, even male Pisces. This match can also be a bit self-destructive, as Pisces longs for adoration from their mate, and Gemini loves freedom. Pisces needs to be careful to not be too constricting, or Gemini will be making a run for it.

When the women in the relationship is a Pisces and the man a Gemini, the combination can be a bit unstable. You are both looking for different things from a relationship. Pisces needs Gemini to be more grounded, which is hard for this air sign. Gemini is easily bored by something they used to like, and a Gemini man might love something about you one day, and be put off by it the next. Pisces feelings can be easily hurt in this situation, as she is more sensitive than he is, and feelings are not of the utmost importance to him. However, a Pisces woman has a lot of powers of persuasion over men, with Gemini not being an exception. Use this power wisely. You can teach him a lot about the heart, and he has much to show you about the mind. He also can teach you a better means of communication which can give this relationship a better chance at lasting.

Even when these two signs do have problems, they tend to forgive easily. Gemini doesn’t take the time to hold a grudge, and Pisces is able to see their partners true intentions, making it equally hard to stay upset. Their planets are also complimentary, Pisces’ Jupiter, who is all about learning and philosophy, makes Pisces eager to know new things. Gemini’s Mercury is focused on innovation and invention, which Pisces understands on a deep level.

Typically an Air and Water sign have a hard run in the relationship gamut. However, if they are able to build on their understanding of each other, the Pisces/Gemini couple can be a fairly complete whole. Gemini brings the intellectual part of the relationship, and Pisces the emotional. Put together, these two signs are a smart and compassionate couple.

Both signs are mutable, which means that neither feels the need to be the leader of the relationship, and they can both do what they need to make it work well without stifling one another. It also means that they are both flexible, and deal well with change, something that is very good in this couple.

One of the best things about this couple is that they are so companionable. They are friends, and lovers, and that makes this a great match. They both bring flexibility to the relationship, and are able to accept their differences because of that. This can be a wonderful match, one that runs deep and is long lasting.


Last night I whispered to you that I love you while I gently stroked your face.
You looked so beautiful sleeping and I couldn't contain any longer.
Or was that all just a dream I dreamt of what I wish to tell you someday?..
Or it could have happened in my sleepy daze, unaware if you heard me or not.
Either way, my heart is fully involved in this now.