How do you escape a ghost from your past?
This dark shadow hoovers and clings to my back,
Refusing to let me go.
Everyone talks to me about You.
Like I care anymore though!
I've learned to not care and even hate Your being for shelter for myself.
It all has felt like a slap in the face,
A bitch slap who's sting has lasted for 3 years.
Are you going to go see Their show tonight?
No I'm not going to fucking go to Their show.
You never escape my mind regardless.
And as much as I want to and long to see you play again,
I would only be stabbing myself with a thousand deaths once more if I'm to see you again.
Especially with You're new love, even though I've been told you talk about me from time to time.
What the fuck does this all mean??
I'm someone who believes in meanings behind events in life..
It feels like I'll never live this down.
I feel like I've brought this all upon myself
I two-timed,
But then at times it feels life plays it's course for a reason,
And I try and be optimistic and believe in this.
But You really are the underlying conscience to every single thought that exists in my mind.