
Wishin' I was Anywhere but Here..

I felt like a mess today.
Not a hot mess,
although that has been lacking significantly...
Life's just been feeling real messy.
I listened to Slowdive on my drive to work and thought of Mike.
I put the cd in knowing I would think of Mike.
It worked.
Everything's been feeling out of place,
this is a sign.
I found a place, I think.
I really like Her, the space, the room
I think it can work.
$10 bucks more than what I'm paying now, but the costs overall will go down significantly given that I won't be driving 30 miles every fucking day.
And no more 51!
Laundromat is outdoors.
No more midnight spins.
This is the result from becoming so fucking broke that maybe not being able to buy food will help me get skinny.
because I sure fucking need the help as eating only fruits and veggies and working out my ass every day/other day doesn't seem to help.
I have seen improvement
I'm just bitter over others who happily down gallons of ice cream knowing it won't sit on their Ass.
And I've been starving it feels
but not really because I KNOW what it feels like to fucking starve.
but I just want to consume anything and everything and these intense cravings and desires build up inside driving me fucking mad but then when it comes down to actually fulfilling my fucking wishes I just can't come to shove shit in my mouth.
I'm not an emotional eater.
finish volunteer application for Free Arts,
get student loan to begin Yoga teacher program,
finish this Rio class with an AAAA,
Marmunia is the cutest thang ever.
I wish I lived in Seattle.
Or Chicago or Oakland could work right now.
Oakland I think.
I feel that's more Me.

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