
Crystal Castles

very tempted to buy a flight to Portland to catch these two in action in March!



Quote by artist Jonah Freeman

on what he has learned about the art world...

"4. Stay up late - that's when things get done." - The Selby

So very true! Many a times I am up until 3am because my creative side seems to function better in the wee morning hours and I can crank out a shitload of work. I wish I could sleep during the day to play and be creative at night.


Most Recent Thrift Finds...

Couroc serving piece 

Owl detailing 

Lithograph print
Friday I was Sanctified. I went out with my gay friend Khahn to meet up with his boy-toy and friend in tow at Club Sanctum. Friday nights they host Goth Night, but I guess this is also a gay club in general (my friend likes to refer to it as Club Rectum..that is not the name I have given it however). I've gone to Goth Night at a different club before, Transylvania, but I guess that place no longer hosts goth events so it's moved to Sanctum. 

I must admit, I had a great time. I'm by no means goth at all. If anything, I looked a little hippie in my pink flower dress (we were also supposed to have gone to another club that evening but we were having a little too much fun at Sanctum that we had scratched that idea out). Who cares though, because not once did I feel out of place with these people. I was actually out on the dance floor dancing away (Goth music sounds like the darker versions of '80s music, like Depeche Mode etc.) to goth in my pink lil' dress and didn't give two shits about anything else.


striving to be more creative and apply

I'll be starting on a new series of botanical drawings.
Scientific realism and the Earth's nature have been inspiring.
Work by Mali Moir

Doryanthes Palmeri
Spear Lilly
the name of my eyeshadow today is called Seashell.
it makes me feel beautiful.
i like that.


having 4 of your wisdom teeth pulled out SUUUCCKKSSS...

If my drawing teacher doesn't like these, then I don't know who the f- will.
